Swagspotta - Installation - Synopsis - Templates


Usage Examples

# typescript model generation in Hinkskalle
curl https://kuebel.testha.se/swagger |
  spotta - typescript \
    -c Collection \
    -c Container \
    \ # ...
    -c Manifest \
    -t backend/share/typescript-templates \
    -o frontend/src/store/models.ts
# python model generation in hinkskalle-api
curl -f https://kuebel.testha.se/swagger |
  spotta -v DEBUG - python \
    -c Collection \
    -c Container \
    \ # ...
    -c Manifest \
    -c TagData \
    -c Token \
    -t hinkskalle_api/auto \
    -o hinkskalle_api/auto/models.py

Output Examples

Input is the Pet definition from the classic Petstore example.


swagspotta generates 2 functions for each model:

The model class is a simple dataclass with all attributes optional (could be improved). swagspotta also adds type annotations.

Nested definitions are de/serialized recursively. Fields with the readOnly attribute set are not serialized.

 curl -f https://petstore.swagger.io/v2/swagger.json | spotta - python -c Pet
def plainToPet(json: dict) -> Pet:
  obj = Pet()
  obj.id = json.get('id')
  obj.category = plainToCategory(json['category']) if json.get('category') is not None else None
  obj.name = json.get('name')
  obj.color = json.get('color')
  obj.photoUrls = json['photoUrls'] if json.get('photoUrls') is not None and isinstance(json['photoUrls'], list) else []
  obj.tags = [ 
    plainToTag(o) for o in (json['tags'] if json.get('tags') is not None and isinstance(json['tags'], list) else [])
  obj.status = json.get('status')
  return obj

def serializePet(obj: Pet) -> dict:
  json = {}
  json['id'] = obj.id
  json['category'] = serializeCategory(obj.category) if obj.category is not None else None
  json['name'] = obj.name
  json['photoUrls'] = obj.photoUrls
  json['tags'] = [ serializeTag(o) for o in obj.tags ] if obj.tags is not None else []
  json['status'] = obj.status
  return json

class Pet:
  id: typing.Optional[int] = None
  category: typing.Optional[Category] = None
  name: typing.Optional[str] = None
  color: typing.Optional[str] = None
  photoUrls: list[str] = field(default_factory=list)
  tags: list[Tag] = field(default_factory=list)
  status: typing.Optional[str] = None


Similar to python swagspotta generates 2 functions for each definition:

The model class is a simple class with all attributes optional (not null assertions, could be improved).

Nested definitions are deserialized recursively. serialize has an optional parameter unroll that can be set to true to enable recursive serialization, too. Fields with readOnly set are not serialized.

using two lodash functions, must be installed

 curl -f https://petstore.swagger.io/v2/swagger.json | spotta - typescript -c Pet
import { isNil as _isNil, map as _map } from 'lodash';

class Pet {
  public id!: number
  public category!: Category
  public name!: string
  public photoUrls!: string[]
  public tags!: Tag[]
  public status!: string

export function plainToPet(json: any): Pet {
  const obj = new Pet();
  obj.id = json['id'];
  if (!_isNil(json['category'])) obj.category = plainToCategory(json['category']);
  obj.name = json['name'];
  obj.photoUrls = json['photoUrls'];
  if (!_isNil(json['tags'])) obj.tags = _map(json['tags'], plainToTag);
  obj.status = json['status'];

  return obj;
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars
export function serializePet(obj: Pet, unroll=false): any {
  const json: any = {};
  json['id'] = obj.id;
  if (unroll) json['category'] = _isNil(obj.category) ? null : serializeCategory(obj.category);
  json['name'] = obj.name;
  json['photoUrls'] = obj.photoUrls;
  if (unroll) json['tags'] = _isNil(obj.tags) ? [] : _map(obj.tags, f => serializeTag(f));
  json['status'] = obj.status;

  return json;

export { Pet };