Hinkskalle - Setup - Configuration - Clients


Configuration Values

Configuration is read from a file specified by the environment variable HINKSKALLE_SETTINGS or conf/config.json by default.

Frontend Config

Make sure that these environment variables are to your taste:


Refer to https://flask.palletsprojects.com/en/2.1.x/config/ for general Flask configuration values.

You might want to set these:


RQ Worker/Redis

See https://python-rq.org/docs/workers/ for general config settings.

Maintenance Tasks

Configure a key CRON in config.json (times are in UTC!):

  "CRON": {
    "expire_images": "46 21 * * *",
    "check_quotas": "48 21 * * *",
    "ldap_sync_results": "1,11,21,31,41,51 * * * *"

Available tasks:


try to keep these out of config.json!


  "AUTH": {
    "LDAP": {
      "HOST": "ldap.testha.se",
      "PORT": 389,
      "BIND_DN": "cn=login,ou=Adm,dc=testha,dc=se",
      "BASE_DN": "ou=Accounts,dc=testha,dc=se",
      "BIND_PASSWORD": "put me in secrets.json!"

Environment Overrides

Certain variables from the config file(s) can be set via the environment. If hinkskalle finds them there, it will overwrite the values:

This is superuseful for injecting configs and secrets when running Hinkskalle in a container (e.g. docker)

If using docker deployments you should also set the environment variables

for the database initialization. It should match DB_PASSWORD. in addition make sure that

are set and match your sqlalchemy database uri.

Refer to the official docker image docs