Responsive web UI for miniflux
I use miniflux to aggregate RSS feeds for all kinds of stuff around the web and scan those whenever I got a spare minute or five on my phone or laptop.
Both apps and web frontend of miniflux had this or that or one or more little sharp edges and low beams where I bumped my head or scratched myself. So I spoke those famous words: It can’t be that hard!
A minimal UI that does what I need. List of articles, either all, by category or by feed. Tap and it opens, or tap to open externally. Mark as read as I scroll through. Mark whole page as read when reaching the bottom and open next page.
All done as a single page app with Vue 2.7 and Bulma/Buefy. Why not Vue3? Because Bueify can only do Vue2.
While the UI is minimal the whole bundle is not - around 1.7Mb need to move to your device.
Code is available under a MIT License on
Try it out at (Login -> enter your miniflux server and access token)